
2016-05-31   来源:演讲致辞
Dear freshen, ladies and gentleen:

Gd afternn!

It’s a big ereny fr ur shl tday: it’s yus and erable, fr yu, the ne students, yung and fresh, have e t in us. The nstant leave and arrival f students verify the unique vitality f the university. Here n behalf f ur shl--- Shl f Internatinal Studies, I extend ur ar ele and express ur gratitude t all the freshen, n atter hether yu illingly r relutantly hse t e t ur shl, t bee ebers f ur big faily.

u ay have assued that the university is the plae here yu are t be prepared fr yur future areer, ust as aes Duderstadt, prfessr, eduatr and frer president f ihigan University lais: ne f the university’s ais is t equip the students ith nledge and ratin, in rder t ae the fine itizens and enable the t have a eaningful life.True, the university des that thing. But re iprtant, as r Liang Qiha explained, hat an university really des is t have students “learn t be a AN”, that is , t be “a nledgeable an free fr perplexity, a benevlent an free fr rry, a urageus an free fr fear” . T hi, all the disiplines and nledge the university prvides fr yu are “ust eans fr the aings f AN, but nt the end in theselves”. Then, a questin ay be ased: h t be a an free fr perplexity, rry and fear, a an useful fr huan ind, the untry and yur faily?

In hinese ulture, the traditinal value has it: aspiratin aes a an. y first rd f advie t yu, therefre, is ASPERATIN. ang anging, a hinese shlar f ing Dynasty, believes : “ithut aspiratin, ne an reah n here.” r. ang hangi, teaher f a Zedng, tld a and his lassates: “ne’s final ahieveents depend largely n his aspiratin. Ailess, a brn-talent ill end up a edirity; aspirated, a n persn an turn int a great an.” All f us have itnessed their final aplishents. ung learners as e are n, e shuld als set up great aspiratin fr ur life , as early as pssible, fr abitin an guide us frard tard ur gal despite any bstales, distratins and diffiulties, s that e an ae best use f university stay tie, during hih e are suppsed t be st vigrus in vitality, thirsty fr nledge, perful in reativity, and flexible in harater shaping, t enrih urselves by reading as uh as pssible, t ahieve “Great nledge”, and fr “Great visin”, s as t lay a sund fundatin fr ur future areer. u Guangzhng , ell-nn hinese pet, believes: “Aspiratin aes a an utstanding”, hih as prved by r. a un h ne tld the students f Qinghua University hen he as aing a speeh there: ngratulatins t yu, fr yu ere taen in by a very gd university in hina--nly send t Hangzhu Teahers’ llege. a set up his abitin hen he as a student at Hangzhu Teaher’s llege, and finally rse t bee ne f the st suessful businessen in the untry. This prves a fat: suess belittles ne’s bagrund. N, as students f SIS, e ight as ell herish suh lfty nvitin: “e are ere students f freign languages tday, e are ertain t bring hnur t ur Ala ater seday.”

The atualizatin f aspiratin alls fr perseverane hih is y send rd f advie fr yu. Benain Franlin rte: “I have never seen a an h is up early in the rning, hard-ring, prudent and hnest plains that the fate is unfair fr hi. The ne h has fine haraters, gd habits, and strng ill-per an never be defeated by suh thing nn as ‘Fate’.” Again, a un et his failure 1 years ag at Ne r, but he did nt give up his effrt, and 1 years later in 2014, he brught the biggest transatin f IP t Ne r st aret ever in its histry. Perseverane is the driving fre fr the realizatin f ne’s expetatin. nfrnted by tday’s aterialisti trends and teptatins f all inds, the re deterined ne is ith his ai, the re liely he is t be suessful. Perseverane eans nstant effrt, hih finds n substitute. Suess f any srt an be btained nly thrugh hard r, ust as Nietzshe put it: “If there is really a irale in the rld, it is nly anther nae fr exertin.” ne’s patiene an predeterine his pursuit level: he h expets iediate return f his every effrt an nly be suitable fr hurly rer. Perseverane als eans se abandns: t give up thse things r dings that hinder the ahieveent f ne’s gal. Let’s revie the the teahing f aaren, faus eduatr f Sviet Unin: “Strng ill des nt neessarily ean the ability t aquire hat ne desires. It als eans the ability t fre neself t give up sething hen neessary.” e ay as urselves, therefre, hether suh bad habits f prrastinatin, idleness and undue hednis, nly seen ang yungsters tday, have been rrupting ur ill and fring bstrutins t the realizatin f ur aspiratin?

tse says “Aspiratin is bilized by atin”, hih eans aspiratin ill be effetive nly if it is put int pratie, thus leading up t y third rd f advie: atin. The fur years f llege life is erely a fli eanhile tie flies. dern siety is petitive in nature, and that the state f inertia is terrible enugh, but hat is re terrible is the fat that ther peers h are equally exellent r ever re exellent are taing atin, quier than yu. By atin, e ean e shuld begin ating at the right plae, in ther rds, “d right things in a right ay”. u shuld set the rret gal as early as pssible, and r ut yur learning shedule by first leaving ut thse peripheral, unrthy things in rder that yu ae best use f every inute f yur llege tie. u shuld nt idle aay all yur tie in phne gaes, eib, ehat, and QQ. ur atin plan fr fur years ust be fraed ith the guide f yur entrs, the earlier the better, ith every ve lgially and ratinally sheduled, the priniple being “speifi tie fr speifi use”, t ahieve the best result f atin.

Thus es t the nlusin: Aspiratin aes a an ai high, perseverane aes a an stand ut exellent, and atin aes a an push frard.

Girls and bys, a university is a plae here nledge and thughts nverge and are distilled, a agnifient stage here yu learn t denstrate yur value in life. The faulty f SIS ill be yur dediated panin all the ay t yur destinatin, ging all ut t help yu in yur pursuit f “unity in diversity in languages and ultures, exellene fr learning, areer and life”. e sinerely hpe yu ill be able t release yur drea here, and ae yur adlesene a pletely rthy stay ith us in fur years tie.

Than yu!



你们一定认为,大学就是培养你们为今后的生涯做好准备之地。 正如美国密西根大学前校长,教育家杜德斯达所说,大学的一个目的,“就是用知识和理性来武装学生,使其成为良好的公民并过上有意义的生活。”确实如此。不过它的确还有更重要的功能。梁启超说过,上大学最重要的目的是“为了学做人”,学习成长为“知者不惑,仁者不忧,勇者不惧的人”。大学里所有学科的学习,知识的吸取,都只不过是“做人所需要的手段,不能说专靠这些就能达到做人的目的”。他认为,大学这几年,就能决定“你成不成人”。那么如何成为一个不惑、不忧、不惧,对社会、国家及家庭都有用的人呢?

中国传统文化的价值观是:欲做人,先立志。所以,我要给大家的第一个忠告就是立志。王阳明说过:“志不立,天下无可成之事”。毛泽东的老师杨昌济曾对毛泽东及他的同学们说:“一个人的作为大小,本源于志向高低。无志者,天才可以归庸碌;有志者,陇亩亦可飞鸿鹄。” 我们都见证了这些立大志者最后在各自领域里取得的巨大成功。就我们刚走进大学校园的年轻学子而言,也需早立高远志向,因为它可以引导我们无论身处何处,都会排除干扰,克服困难,在我们生命力最旺盛、求知欲最强烈、创造力最勃发又最具可塑性的大学时光,博览群书,追求“大学问”,练就“大视野”,为最终实现自己的人生志向打下坚实的基础。余光中说:“理想会使人出众”,马云用自己的行为生动地诠释了这句话。他在清华大学讲演时对那里的学生说:祝贺你们考进了一所仅次于杭州师范学院的好大学。马云立志于杭州师范学院,最终成为全国商界翘楚,可谓有志者,成功不为出处所困。我们今做外语学院学子,是否也具有“今为文理外语人,他日载誉报母校”的豪情?

有了志向,还须坚守。所以我给大家的第二个忠告就是坚守。富兰克林说过:“我从未曾见过一个早起、勤奋、谨慎、诚实的人抱怨命运不好;良好的品格,优良的习惯,坚强的意志,是不会被假设所谓的命运击败的。”马云1年前去纽约失败而归,但他从不曾放弃,1年后的2014年他带给了美国纽交所史上最大的一单首次公开募股(IP)。坚守是实现理想的动力,在当今物欲横流,各种诱惑环伺的时候,越能坚守,成功的可能性就越大。坚守需要意味着付出持续的努力, 而努力从没有替代品,任何成就均需通过努力才能得到。正如尼采所言:“如果这世界上真有奇迹,那只是努力的另一个名字。”人的耐心决定其境界:付出一点就想马上就想有回报的,只能做钟点工。坚守,还意味着某些放弃,即放弃那些有碍自己实现理想的事情和行为。著名教育学家马卡连柯说:“坚强的意志,不仅是想什么就获得什么的那种本事,也是迫使自己在必要的时候放弃什么的那种本事。”我们可以问问自己,年轻人最常见的拖沓和懒惰,以及过早的享乐思想,是否在侵蚀着我们的意志,妨碍着我们实现我们的理想?

墨子曰“志行,为也”,是说意志付于行动,才是作为。我给大家第三个忠告便是行动。时间滚滚向前,大学四年弹指一挥间。现代社会竞争激烈,自己无所作为当然可怕,但更可怕的是和自己一样优秀甚至更优秀的人行动更快。行动意味着找准下手之处,要点是“正确地做正确的事”。同学们应尽快明确自己的目标,先从砍掉边际价值最低的事情开始,规划四年的学习生涯,使治学中的每一寸光阴变得更有价值。 学会与时间赛跑,不要让光阴在玩游戏、发微博、刷微信、聊QQ中无谓蹉跎。在导师的帮助下,及早要作好行动规划,逻辑而理性地安排每个步骤,“专时专用”方能提高行动效率。


同学们,大学是一个知识思想汇聚提炼的地方,是你们开始体现人生价值的炫丽舞台。 外国语学院全体教职员工将与你们一道前行,帮助你们“追求语言与文化之多元融合,实现学业、事业和人生之卓越 ”。祝愿你们在此四年的学习时间里,放飞梦想,绽放出你们青春的风采。


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